Brian brings decades of teaching excellence to his trumpet instruction practice. Starting with Texas school band in 1958, Brian has performed as ensemble member and soloist throughout the United States and in Europe.
Brian completed a 25-year career in the U.S. Army Band system, assigned to units in the United States and Europe.
Here is more about his military musical career.
His parallel civilian career has included experience with the Sacramento Symphony, Sacramento Music Circus, Cal-Expo, church music and work for band leaders Bill Rase and John Skinner, among others. He led his own big band and 40's jazz ensemble in Sacramento as well during the late 1970's to early 1980's. He was also active in Kansas City performing lead trumpet for musicals and casual gigs while teaching in the area.
He studied with Mr. Frank Curry, Mr. Bill Peron, Mr. Noel Smelser, Mr. Laurie McGaw and Mr. Robert Pomerleau.
He began teaching in 1963. Since that time he has taught students in Sacramento, the San Francisco Bay Area and the Greater Kansas City Area. While in Kansas City, Brian also began teaching horn in response to the call for a competent beginning and intermediate horn instructor. His trumpet and horn students have received scholarships to continue study on their respective instruments and gone on to become great peformers in their own right.
Lesson fees
Lesson fees are due one month in advance on or before the first lesson of each month. Students beginning at other times during the month will be prorated for the first month only. Payment is then due on or before the first lesson of the month in all succeeding months. You will not receive a bill from me. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO BRIAN DENEEN. My fees for 30-minute weekly lessons are $130.00 per month.
Lesson materials.
These will be specified by the instructor and are to be purchased by the student. Each student will receive a list of the required materials. The instructor will discuss preferred providers for these purchases on an individual basis as this information is subject to change.
Required equipment
Please do confer with the instructor regarding your choice of instrument for your student. Many instruments have flooded the market at incredibly low prices that do not function properly and are a waste of resources. Other choices do exist that cost less in the long run. Let's talk about it before you purchase or rent in order to insure the success of your student.
Home practice environment and equipment.
Daily practice is essential to student success. The environment for practicing trumpet is somewhat different from other instruments. You will receive an information handout on the daily practice setup. Please provide a chair of correct height (covered in the information) and an adjustable music stand with good reading light for your student.
Other equipment is described and discussed in the information handout.
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